The Nephstar system works wonders as a nephelometric analyzer which offers the quick quantitative measurements of the specific proteins found in the blood and the urine samples. It suits the medium or small size laboratories well. It can also be kept as a "stat" or backup analyzer in the laboratories of large size. Its state of art design is developed for the new generation using the patented technology. It offers maximum possible delicacy with the highest possible accuracy. It produces results within 15 seconds to 2 minutes. The NYPHSTAR is loaded with a batch specific calibration curve for its integrated magnetic card. The processing for the blank measurement is automatically done in the same cuvette. The latex enhanced immunonephelometric assays can be performed for some specific symptoms. The manipulation is easily achieved for its intelligent module. It is attuned with the International Reference Material CRM470. The electronic pipette comes with the dilution mode. It can readily accept the reagents including the latex antiserum. It has a separate reaction chamber where the temperature is controlled.

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